Tuesday 14 February 2012

Screen shots to show how I have editied the photographs for my album cover.

To get the black and white effect on the photographs for the album cover, I first took photographs of each band member invididually then on photoshop I edited then one by one. Above id a screen shot to show how I editied the brightness and contrast of the lead singer (Dec).

After that I selected image > adjustments > theshhold. With this effect the black and white cartoon appearence of the photograph is given. I have done this effect for the album cover because I think that it establishes the indie gypsy punk genre of their music and the quirkiness of the band. This process was done for each of the band members individually.

After I edited all three band members, I put the photographs all on a black photoshop document, this allowed me to assemble the band members together. I have done it so that the lead singer is in the middle and the drummer and the keyboard player is at side.

After assembling the band members together, I thought that it may need some colour seeing as one of the digi packs was completely black and white. I have done this by using paint and roughly selected the area that was white to a colour. Each band member is a different colour because I wanted them to have a colour which symbolised them. This is similar to the band called JLS where each band member has a different colour. Furthermore, I think that the rough colouring in of the band members is quirky and reflects the genre of their music. Moreover, I think that this photograph works well for the album cover because each of the facial expressions are black and they are looking at the camera. I do not think that this technique would have worked if the band members were smiling.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Software used to create my digi pack designs

To create the designs for my digi pack, I have used:

  • Windows Power Point for create the CD and the album cover and back. This was mainly the assembly process.
  • Photoshop to edit the photographs used on the digi pack designs
  • Paint for the use of colour on some of the photographs.
  • A website called Font Space for the creation of the band's name.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Digi pack Design 4

Front cover


CD design choice 1

CD design choice 2

I have created two slightly different designs for the CD because I was unsure on whether colour should be added to the digi pack because the rest is in black and white.


Wednesday 1 February 2012

Brand image

Below are screen shot images of fonts in which i intent to use for my band identity. this will be included on my digipack cover, CD design and the album advertisement. This font will act as a logo for my band and so this band identity will be recognised by their fans. This font style will be used to symbolise the band and so it will be shown everywhere where ever the band are.  I have created two example of designs in which I hope to choose one of them to act as a logo for my band. below are the two examples of font. 

Above is a screen shot of where I found the style of fonts, this website allowed me to create the the name of which I wanted.