Friday 4 November 2011

Ideas and Inspirations for my Digi Pack font cover

Above is the album cover for The Ting Tings. I like this style because it is bright and vibrant with a quirky element from the cut-out-type black and white photographs of the hands, microphone and the drum stick. I also like how the name of the album is written on their hands which gives it a rough look and also relates to the people of the band. This is how they make their band identity known by their fans as this style is also common in other album covers by the band.

The La Els - MK Awards Best Indie Nomination
Even though the photograph above is not an album cover, looking at it from a photograph perspective it is creative in sectioning the different people apart from the photograph. I would like to create a similar photograph of this to be used as my own album cover because it is simplistic but effective and so it would be easy to create on a low budget scale for my own use of an album cover. I like the quirkiness of this photograph because not all of the people in the photograph are looking straight at the camera, and they all have a different facial expression which shows that they are different and have different styles and personalities which flow within them. Furthermore, I also like how they are standing in a line but it is not completely straight and even, some are in front then others which adds to the quirkiness of the photograph and the people who are in the photograph.

Even though, the cover for this album is focused on the one artist, I would like to create a similar effect by having three different photographs if each of the band members in columns to show to their audience what their personality is like and to also reflect the quirkiness of their style and their music video which would reach out to a specific fan type of mainly indie rock people. 

I like the simplicity of this album cover and the creativeness that has gone into creating this album cover. I think that this would be easy yet effective to create for my own album cover and such a low budget scale. I also think that the use of black and white imagery is significant when it comes to reflecting the genre of my music which is indie, punk rock. However, I would like to show that band on the album cover because I want to reach out to the fans so that when it is on the shelf they can recognise straight away that it is by Edelweiss because it would have their photograph on the cover but also the name of the band on the name of their album.

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