Saturday 5 November 2011

Software used to create my music video

To assemble my music video together I have used iMovie. I found that is was useful in selecting the correct clip that I wanted and the timing of the clip. I was also able to add special effects of alter the colour of the clip to suit the music video. 

In order to create my music video, the software in which I have used has helped me to create special effects to give a different atmosphere to my music video. 

I have included fade in and fade out blurry transactions in my music video because as the music video is playing, I wanted the theme of fire and candles to run throughout, so the so that the candles fade into the footage of the band. I have also included the transactions in my music video so that the beat of the music is reflected in the timing of the footage played. 

As some of the footage which I filmed was bright, I wanted to darken it to fit in with the rest of the footage but to also create an eerie atmosphere. Using the video adjustments, I have edited the exposure, contrast and I have reduced the saturation so that it looks dull. 

I did not want any of the background sound from the filming footage when I put it together. To remove this is selected the audio adjustments and then I muted the the clip but sliding the volume slide bar to 0%.  

I have also added a slow motion reverse shot of where the band members are jumping of the rock wall. I have reversed it and slowed the motion down to give a different atmosphere and to relate to the lyrics of the song. While this footage is played i made sure it was played whilst the lyrics said, "it makes us faster" and so the footage juxtaposes the idea that the fiasco makes them faster. 

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