Monday 28 November 2011

Re-filming - What needs to be done

After getting feedback from my peers, I have decided that the lip synchronisation was not perfect. To improve this I decided that I should have a meeting with the band to get organised on what needs to be done. In the meeting, I let my band members know, in order to improve the lip synchronisation it would take some time from the band members to learn the song. So prier to when I filmed again, I typed the lyrics on a word document for the band members to learn. I also let the band members know that I did not want them to wear the same clothing as before when the first filming was done. This is because I wanted my audience to recognise the new location, and so the change in costume would help the audience to understand this. The location in which I have decided to film the lip synchronisation would be in a plain black room, and so the drama room at school would be the best location for this because the walls are completely black, plus they have special effects of lighting. This is the same location in which I filmed the band playing the instruments. 

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