Monday 21 November 2011

Feed back from my rough cut - one

Here is the feedback from my first rough cut given from my peer members. I will take on board the critical comments for my rough cut and improve it for my final music video. Below are the highlights and the things that need to be improved on for my music video.

· Good editing techniques with lip synchronisation
· A reverse slow motion shot the band member’s feet is good to follow the lyrics of the song.
· Setting and location of the music video suits the genre of the song.
· Shots that show the bottom half of the body with the feet walking good, creates eerie atmosphere.
· Burning fire and candles follow the theme of the song.
· Quirkiness of the music video is good, corresponds with the genre of the music video.
· The shots go in time of the beat of the song.
· Smoking good, relates to the song.
· Flashing lighting works really good
· Declan laying down and singing works well

· The animatic type of the Lego man is good and nicely edited however; it does not fit in with the rest of the music video. 
· Few repeated shot of makes the audience lose interest of the music video. Such as having repeated shot of the drummer smoking, and shots of the bottles on the floor and jumping off the wall.
· Not many shots of the band playing together as a band.
· Take the shot of the drummer's cigarette falling out of his mouth out of the video, there is no relevance and it spoils the atmosphere of the music video.
· Bright location of the drummer smoking disturbs the flow of the music video, either need to be filmed again or darkened on imovie.
· Too many shots of the drummer smoking
· End shot of the drummer blowing out the candle would look better if it fades to black immediately when the candle is blown out.
· Lip synchronisation needs to include shots of the drummer singing or just keep it as Declan singing the song.
· Include some more shots of the band messing around and smiling, acting like a band.
· Some lip synchronisation needs improving.
· Take the shot of Alex wired face out
· Need to have more significance of main singer
· In parts of the instrumental, could have shots of the xylophone being played.
· The repeated shot of the band jumping off the wall ruins the atmosphere.

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