Monday 5 December 2011

Hot chip - Influences

Hot Chip - Ready for the floor

This music video have influenced me on shot of the camera movements such as the repeated fast past jump shot of the lead singer. I intend to uses this effect in my music video to show all of the band members. I also think that this editing technique would correspond with the genre of my music that I have chosen for my music video because the song is up beat and quirky sounding.  From this music video I also like the use of bright contrast in colours, epesially the vertically straight line down the choreographed dancing girls, it gives a robot atmosphere to the music video and reflects the quirkiness thoughout the music video. I have chosen to analyse this band because their genre of music, especially this song, is of a similar tempo of the song "Fiasco" that I have chosen for my music video. 

Above is the album cover for the one of Hot Chip’s album’s.  I think that the quirkiness and the image with is shown on the cover reflects the name given to the album. This is a good inspiration for my own album cover as it shows a differentiation in the way in which other alternative rock bands and artists tend to use for their front covers. This challenges the conventions of what is typically seen in most alternative rock front covers. Due to this, it reflects their genre of music because it is individualistic and not meant to be seen as the same as other alternative rock bands.

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