Saturday 10 December 2011

Low Vs Diamond - inspiration for my band identity and music video

Low vs Diamond - Don't forget sister

In my opinion, the band called Low Vs Diamond is similar to the song and genre style of my chosen song, "Fiasco" by the band Edelweiss. Looking at this music video above from Low Vs Diamond, some of their quirky style and the different take for their music video have influenced me for my own music video. One of my favourite and different shots that are included in this music video is the two fingers which are shown as if they are walking while the car is driving. Some of their camera angles and the way the show the lip synchronisation are different by showing the lead singer singing the song from sideways and not from the front. This shows a different angle to the lead singer and so this gives a different effect from just showing the band from the front. 

Low Vs Diamond is an American rock band formed in 2002 by Lucas Field, Howie Diamond, and Tad Moore. There record labels are Epic Records and Marrakesh Records. Their genre of music is Rock, indie rock and alternative rock. They have been influenced by a diversity of music artists such as David Bowie, Roxy music, Brian Eno, Serge Gainsbourge and Air. 

Above is the advert which was made for the release of their new album. This had inspired me for the creation of my own album advertisement because I like the layout, colour scheme and the chosen font. The font style of the font s quirky because on some of the letters, the positioning of then is different to how it is usually seen, this makes the name stand out as a logo for the band, which creates a band identity because it is memorable for their fans and audience. Furthermore, I also like the image of all the band members that is at the bottom centre of the advert. The photograph is blurry and has a vintage look about it which symbolises that their genre of music is indie rock.

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