Thursday 8 December 2011

Two Door Cinema Club - Influences

These two music videos by Two Door Cinema Club have inspired me to create some of the camera angles and shots that I may use in my music video. 

Two Door Cinema Club - Something Good Can Work

This music video is very simplistic because it constantly shows the band in black and white but the background square changes colour. The use of colour which is shown is bright and helps to break up the plain black and white footage to show the band. The quirkiness of the movement of the band members is also effective because it corresponds with the beat and the genre of the song. This music video is similar to what I intend to use for my music video because of the minimal amount of narrative shown throughout the music video. 

Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk

The music video above by Two Door Cinema Club is also similar to what I intend to use for my music video. I have chosen to analyse this band, their music videos and their album covers because their style and band image is similar to how I intent to show my band to their audience. I also think that their genre of music is of a similar genre of the song that I have chosen for my music video. The use of jump shots in this music video above is the initial camera angle of what I intend to include in my music video. 

Even though, this is not an image made for an album cover. In my opinion this style of photograph and the layout of the three band members are creative and good at establishing the genre across to their audience and fans. Furthermore, I like how the third section of the photograph is black but there lies a drum on the ground. This adds a different depth to the photograph instead of just having three sections to show the band members.  

Two Door Cinema Club Tourist History Album Cover
From this album cover by Two Door Cinema Club, I like the interesting use of font. I also like how "door" acts as glasses for the cat. I think that this style could work with my own album cover because it is of a similar genre to my chosen song, "Fiasco by Edelweiss". The use of colour on this album would also help to reflect my own music genre. 

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