Friday 27 January 2012

Shot list of the final music video

  • Blur zoom out of a candle flickering at a slight high angle.
  • Close up of the all the band members in the centre of the screen - medium/close up shot.
  • Slight high angle tilt - drums in the centre of the screen, lights flashing. 
  • Close up of a slight low angle shot of candles flickering.
  • Tracking movement close up of shoes walking.
  • Medium shot at a slight high angle playing instruments. 
  • Close up slight high angle playing instruments.
  • Close up - lighting a cigarette box - left hand side of the screen. 
  • Tracking camera movement - close up of the hand moving the bushes out of the way. 
  • High angle shot, close up lead singer's face looking up.

· Medium shot - cigarette box lighted and beer bottles on a bag at the ground of the woods all of these shots create a jump shot, this is so that that viewer would see the items being places on the bag one by one individually.
· Low angle shot, extreme close up of fire flames on a bag and beer bottle surrounding the fire.
· Close up on (Alex) keyboard player, with a candle in his hands. Low angle shot of him looking down into the camera.
· Extreme close up of guitar being strummed.
· Low angle close up of legs standing on a wall.
· Low angle tilt of the drummer playing
· Extreme close up of the cigarette box being lit
· Long shot into medium jump shot of individual band members walking through the bushes.
· Medium shot of all the band members walking towards the camera from the bushes.
· Medium shot of playing the instruments
· Close up eye level of lip synchronisation
· Medium shot of all the band members playing the instruments together.
· Reversed medium shot of the band members jumping back onto the wall.
· Extreme close up of the candle flickering
· Two show lot angle of the drummer and the lead singer playing their instruments
· High angle close up of the keyboard being played.
· Extreme close up zoom out of the lead singer's face
· Hand held camera of the smashing of the guitar
· Close up camera tilt of lip synchronisation
· Zoom in and out of the lead singer's face of when lip synchronisation is shown
· Extreme close up of lips while singing
· High angle close up of shoes
· Reversed long shot the of keyboard played waling back into the woods
· Close up pan from the top to the upside down shot of the lead singer's face
· Tracking shot, walking through bushes
· Tracking shot, camera moving towards the band members

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