Monday 23 January 2012

Deleted shots from my final music video

Above I have put the clips in which I filmed but I did not include them into my music video for various reasons. The reasons to why I have deleted the clips from my final music video are listed below:

·         Clip 1
- Shows my chosen drummer for my music video playing the keyboard. I initially thought that it would look comical whilst filming the band members playing the instruments. However, when it came to processing and assembling the video together, I found that it did not fit in. Moreover, it would be confusing for my audience to understand because they may get muddled up with who the real drummer and keyboard player is in my music video.
- On the other hand, I have included some clips where the drummer is playing the guitar. At first, I was unsure on whether to keep the slip in, but from feedback that was given based on my rough cut, people said that it looked good but also included humour to the music video. They also said that it did not look out of place and so it flowed with my music video.
·         Clip 2
- I have taken this clip out of my music video because I did not want to show other of the band members to be seen singing the lyrics of the song. This is because I want my audience to be clear on to who is the lead singer of the band in my music video.
·         Clip 3
- Based on the feedback given and my own perspective, not many people liked the scene of where the drummer is shown smoking. Some said that if there was smoking scenes, it should have been the lead singer smoking because he is the main person of the music video. The other point in which the smoking scenes were unfavourable was because it was filmed in a different location and so it did not correspond with the rest of the music video. With this in mind, I have still chosen to keep some of the smoking scenes in my final music video but I have shortened it so that the clip is not prolonged.
·         Clip 4
- I have taken this out of my music video because it was showing the band members messing about. I have kept some of the scenes where it shows this because it adds humour to my music video.
·         Clip 5
- This clip I included in my rough cut, however, in my final cut for my music video I have take it out. This is because I wanted the music video to end with the lead singer blowing the candle out and not the drummer.
·         Clip 6
- I wanted to show all the candles in a row. While filming, one of the candles fell over and so this was not included in my music video because it was not what I wanted to show in my music video.

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