Sunday 7 August 2011

Conventions of R&B Music Videos


· Jeans - If the male artist is pictured topless then they are usually wearing jeans which will be slightly low so that you can just see their boxers. They will also have a designer belt to emphasise their wealth.
· Tattoos - Most male R&B artists have tattoos, usually on their chest or on their arms. They will also have multiple tattoos and not just one.
· Jewellery - Unlike male hip-hop artists, R&B singers wear subtle jewellery like a watch, chain and earrings, whereas in hip-hop music videos, they would wear thick gold and diamond encrusted jewellery that is exaggerated.

  • Minimal clothing - Usually wear very little clothing so that their stomachs are on show, this is because to the male fans, they are meant to be seen as objects to desire.
  • Hair and Make-up - Their hair is always styled in a very dramatic and eye catching way. Their make-up is also very bold and defined but not too exaggerated. A gold or shimmery eye-shadow is usually used to make their eyes look very flattering. To show power, some female R&B artists wear red lipstick in their music videos.
  • Heels - R&B females wear very high heels to elongate their legs because they are wearing minimal clothing. However, some females wear designer trainers for choreographed scenes.
  • Jewellery - Big earrings and necklaces are worn but in some cases, big necklaces are worn on women to break the gender stereotype because it is usually men who wear big necklaces and not women in R&B music videos.

Below is a music video by Ciera called Like a boy. This is a good example of showing how some music videos in R&B question the gender devision.

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