Friday 12 August 2011

Animatic to an existing music video

Below is the animatic to an excisting music video.

Above is the completed animatic of my chosen song by an existing band. For this we had to work in pairs or groups. I worked with Charlotte who is also a media student. We took each activity of this assignment on drawing and colouring. I mainly drew the characters and Charlotte coloured. Due to the amount of drawings I coloured in some of the drawings as well. Because of this, we noticed that there was a difference in colouring styles; I tended to shade in the characters, while Charlotte outlined them as well as colouring the drawings. To get this animatic style we first took photographs of the drawings, then cropped and edited them if needed. After we loaded all of them onto imovie and with help from our storyboard and the actual music video we have tried to match it. By looking at the music video for this song while editing the music video we were able to get the camera movements and timing of the scene correctly.
The animatic will help me when I am preparing for my own music video because it will help me understand how many different types of shots are typically used in the genre of my chosen song and how many different scenes are used in the music video. It will also open my ideas for the storyline of which the song is portraying and how I will show it to my audience. The purpose of the animatic is to help my ideas flow into the music video and to see what works with the song and what does not. By doing an animatic, it makes it easier to get a rough idea on what your final music video may look like when your ideas come together in a music video format.

To practice making a storyboard for my own music video I have made a storyboard to an existing music video. I have chosen the song "moving to New York" by The Wombats because the genre of this song will be similar to the song that I will choose from an unsigned band. The storyboard will lead me in preparation for my actual chosen song by giving me an idea of how long it will be with time and length of the song. It will also give me an idea of the range of camera shots that are mainly used for a particular genre of music and also what will feature in the genre of music that I have chosen, such as different locations of the band. After creating the storyboard to this music video I will create an animatic of the drawings of the different shots that were used to follow the song. 
With the song that I have chosen from The Wombats, their style or genre of music tends to be indie, pop rock. With this in mind their music videos tend to show the band playing at gigs, behind stage or just mainly the lead singer and tell a story behind the song that they are singing. This music video has repeated shots of the band playing on the TV. The lead singer is shown to have a deranged mind in which he imagines strange things such as the hamster on the railway track and a stripper in the middle of a meeting room. Other members of the band are shown acting different characters as well. 

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