Saturday 6 August 2011

What is target auience?

A target audience is a specific or a group of people who are mainly targeted towards the media text, with it being, music videos, films, television programs etc. An example of a target audience is The Wombats; they mainly target people who are around the age of early teenagers (14 years old) and older. There is not a specific age in which they want to target. The reason for this is because they have pop elements in their songs, even though, they are an indie band, and this makes their songs catchy and memorable to their audience. Moreover, their gender divide between their fans is even, but mainly females would choose to listen to their songs rather than males because their songs feature topics of relationships and break ups.  

To get an in depth idea on the benefits of having a target audience. I have create a questionnaire in which my peer members have filled out, stating what kind of music they like and what in their opinion makes a good music video. Below are graphs and pie charts which I have made in correlation with the questionnaire that other people have filled out for me. I asked answers from 15 people, all of which have a different preferred choice of genre in  music. 

This questionnaire has helped me to understand what different people prefer from a music video and what type of genre they prefer. It will help me to understand how to accustom my  target audience with my music video. 

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