Tuesday 27 September 2011

Lyrics to my final chosen song

Fiasco by Edelweiss

It makes us faster (repeated 2x)
Behind walls, that collapse
In fifteen year in years
We loose control.

It's fiasco, nowhere to go
The suns going down and we our world 
Its fiasco, nowhere to go
The suns going down and we our world  
Its fiasco, nowhere to go
The suns going down and we our world  
Its fiasco, nowhere to go
The suns going down and we our world.

Red hot, red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on 
Red hot red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on
Red hot red blood, end on
In other words, we're gone 
Red hot red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on
Red hot red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on
Red hot red blood we are 
And not to us

We...will...not...go (repeated 7x)
We will never, be alone

It makes us stronger (repeated 2x)
The heart be formed to sound 
And that provokes 
And we all know.


Red hot, red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on 
Red hot red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on
Red hot red blood, end on
In other words, we're gone 
Red hot red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on
Red hot red blood, we come 
And not to us, we move on
Red hot red blood we are 
And not to us

I prefer this song over my first song choice; Karolina by The Scandal, because the genre is easier and quirkier to work with. I have found that my ideas fit more neatly and correspond with this song more neatly than the other chosen song. 

For the music video of this song I want to have the camera focusing and going out of focus on a flickering candle and a picture type Lego model moving in a robot type action and also have photograph type images of a Jenga tower being built at the start of the music video. I want the photographs to be sped up into fast motion so the each one flows one after the other and so that the viewer can see a gradual change. Furthermore because these will be photographs, I would fade each individual photograph into the other so when the video is being played it will be smooth and not jerky. Due to the quirky style of the band members and the genre also being unusual and quirky, I would therefore want my music video to portray the style of the band member by keeping it quirky and have wired images or objects floating around the band for example, have dolls, manikins hanging from the ceiling or in some scenes I would have the band members wear curly wigs and teddy bear heads or make them wear wired character costumes such as bugs bunny outfit.  

Through the middle of the song and the chorus, I would have one of the band members, the lead singer, to be the main character in the music video because he is the main person in the song as he sings the lyrics. I would have a tent set out in a forest and have handheld camera movements of him wondering through the woods to show the "fiasco" he is in. A this point, I would also have other band members wondering through the woods to give and mysterious atmosphere to the music video and to also emphasis the topic of the song "fiasco".  

Furthermore, to emphasise the lyrics of the song "fiasco", I would have a few shots of girls with smudged make-up, to have it so that they look as though they are upset and have just been crying. To give an eerie effect, I would have to edit these photographs onto photo shop and then put them onto imovie as photographs in order to include them into the music video. 

I would also have close up shots of the band playing each individual instrument and a few shot of lip synchronisation, but not a great deal because I want the music video to portray a story of people being lost and confused to show the viewers what the song is about and the "fiasco" behind the song.

Below is my chosen song of which I have written the lyrics for above:

Fiasco by Edelweiss

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