Friday 30 September 2011

Ideas for my Music Video

Arctic Monkeys - Brainstorm

From this music video I like how the band are shown, I would like to used shots of the band from this music video and interpret it to my music video. I also like the fact that the band are not shown from the front view, they are only shown from behind. This creates mystery and makes the viewer eager to find out what the band look like so they would watch the rest of the music video to find who the band members are or research the band. I also think that this technique would be good for me to use as it would not require a great deal of lip synchronisation and thus making it easier to film and edit.

Below are my ideas for my music video:

  • Show the band playing in a dark low light room and candles surrounding the band. I would also have the candles in different coloured glasses so that there is a variety of colour to light up the room from the dark room that the band is in. I would also have small lamp or spot lights to light up the face of the members of the band when they start to sing of when they play the instruments. This would be done so that the audience can see the band from the dark room.
  • As the song starts the band would be first shown standing together with their instruments in hand ready to starts. At this point I would have a smoke machine surrounding where they band are standing so that it gives an eerie atmosphere at the start of the music video and would show their mysterious attitude as a band.  
  • I would have the whole music video filmed in a sepia tone and low saturation so that it is not completely black and white but there is a little of colour shown so that it music video is not too dark. This would also give an eerie effect to the audience, making the audience wanting to know what the band look like to they are engaged by the start of the music video. 
  • Furthermore, I would also have a green laser light to break up the darkness in the music video and it would also go the electric keyboard elements of the song. 
  • Have unusual objects hanging from the ceiling such as teddy bears, manikins’ dolls. To show the bands quirky attitude and style. 
  • At the start of the music video, I could have a low or high angle shot of the band the drums, guitars and the microphone. At this point I could also have the camera propped on a wheel cart with all the instruments, to show the audience where they are going and I could also make the audience want to find out where they are going. 
  • I could have a shot of them smoking when they are not performing, to give a grungy attitude for the band and also create a band identity, and to state to their audience that they are not a pop genre they are gypsy punk genre. 
  • Also have a shot of the band backstage in black and white to show what they do in their spare time other than creating music. This would create a fan relationship with the band as their fans may aspire or admire by what they do outside creating music. This would also reflect the way they dress and their image that they sell to their fans. 
  • I may also have a shot of the band members messing about and wheeling each other on shopping trolleys, to show their youthful side. 
  • To show their audience that they are not young, they have reached an age where it is legal to drink, I would show beer bottle hanging from the ceiling. In a slow motion shot, I could show one of the members smashing the bottle with a baseball bat, to show that they are not young kids; they are young men, with a slight adolescence and aggression inside them. 
  • Moreover, at the start of the music video, I could also have the band turn their heads in line with the beat of the music, from left to right. This would give a different dimension to the music video and it would also show their quirky attitude.  At this point, I would also have the screen change colour from red, blue and green, but I would have the colour faint so that you can still see the band. These dark royal colours are also common with what grungy people wear. 
  • During the instrumental of the song, I may show the drummer bashing the drums and have water in his hair and on the drums, so when he is playing the water will drip from his face and splash onto the drums. I would also have this shot in slow motion to give a slowed affect and so that the audience can see the water splashing everywhere. This would also create a different image of how we normally see water. 
  • At the start of the music video, I could also have a shot of the camera focusing and an unfocused on the candle flickering. To show that the band is dark and mysterious, they also light the spiritual side by having candles around them as they play. I could also have the candles in different coloured glass to give out different colours as the band is playing other than a dim light. 
  • Another film style is t take loads of photographs of the movement of the band to give a jerky effect and it would also go with the beat of my chosen song. 
  • Furthermore, to keep the grungy style of the band, I would make sure that they have a thick black stud in their ear, and designer brands such as, Doc Martins, Fred Perry, and American Apparel. These are all typical brands that are associated with grungy looking people and would also show they band identity of how they would be seen in the public eye. By showing their style and matching it with the genre of their song would also reflect the type of audience their fans would be like; they would have a similar dress sense as the band members. 
  • In addition with my ideas for my music video, I could have quick shots of girls sitting beside a wall or the toilet with make-up smudges down their face, to show the fiasco that they are going through and would also reflect what the song is about. These quick shot would be shown during the chorus and it would fade into the shot of the band. 

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