Monday 17 October 2011

Equipment to be used for my music video

I would be using a tripod to ensure that the movement of the camera is steady to give an even flow for my music video. However, not all the camera movements and angles will be done using a tripod; I intend to use some handheld camera shots to give an eerie atmosphere for my music video.

This HD Panasonic video recording camera will be used to film my music video. I have chosen to use this because I want to footage of my music video to be clear and not blurry.

I will also be using my DSLR camera to take photographs of Lego men break dancing and moving Jenga pieces. Once I have taken these photographs I will then edit them using Photo shop CS4 and on imovie I will put the photographs in the frame to make a moving image. Furthermore, I will also use my DSLR to take photographs of the band for when I create and design my magazine advertisement cover and CD cover.

At the start of my music video I intend to show the electric wire leading to the ampifier in jurky stages so that it goes along with the beat of the song. It will also be used for the electric guitar so that the sound is louder.

I have also used stage lights to flash on and off and to focus on the band members. When the lights flash on and off, I have done it so that it goes along with the beat of the song, this also adds to the quirky aspect of my chosen song and my music video.

At first I was intending to use a microphone with a stand. But when it came to filming, I could not get hold of one. So I decided to film the band singing the song as they are standing in front of a black background. I made this choice because it looks clean cut and has a professional finish to the music video. I have also decided to film the band singing the song at a park through bushes as this is the second locations that I have chosen to show the band.  I have chosen to have just two different locations to show that band because I did not want my audience to get confused in the different locations of where the band would be situated. By having two locations, it makes it easier for my audience to recognise the band. Furthermore, it makes it easier for me to film as there would be that many costume changes or filming in various locations that my slow the process of creating the music video.

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