Monday 24 October 2011

Filming schedule

Take 1 - Zooming in and out of different sized candles in a dark room to give a blurred and mysterious setting. I have done this because the lyrics state "red hot red blood" which in my opinion suggests fire and heat.

Take 2 - Taken photographs of a Lego man in front of a black background so that there are no distractions, the main focus is on the Lego man. For each shot I have positioned the Lego man so that it looks as though he is break dancing. Using Photo Shop I was able to remove the props which were used to hold the Lego man up so once on full speed, the footage would look as though the Lego man is alive and moving on its own. On the same day, I also took photographs of Jenga, the photographs were such that, once played on full speed it would look as though that the Jenga blocks were building itself. However, I have not included this into my music video because it looked out of place together with the rest of the footage of my music video, I did not link in with the grunginess of my band members and my music video.

Take 3 - Listening to the song repeatedly and looking at the lyrics of my chosen song, I soon decided to include a girl in my music video. I had a photo shoot with Charlotte. The character she was acting was representing a girl who is depressed and upset and binge drinks. To show this, I gave her instructions to wear shot minimal clothing and a rocky leather jacket to show the rocky style and not someone girlie. Her makeup was also done so that it was smudged down her face to make it look as though she has been crying. At first I was initially going to include this into my music video but once the rest of the filming was done, showing the band members, I decided not to put it in my rough cut of my m music video.

Take 4 - I filmed my band members in a park, I made sure that the locations was not peaceful looking, sunny, full of leaves or that represented happiness. I made sure of this because I wanted a grubby look to my music video when showing the band. At this time of filming the band I just filmed a mixture of shots including low angled mainly showing their shoes walking and chasing each other through the bushes. I also filmed one of the band members smoking and setting a plastic bag and a cigarette box on fire to relate to the lyrics of the song "Red hot red blood...fiasco". To link the filming I did of the candles I placed candles around the trees and the band.

Take 5 - Filming the band playing the instruments and singing the song. I have done this in a plain black coloured room so that it adds to the grubbiness of the music video but to also give a rocky atmosphere to the song and to highlight the genre of my chosen song. Here I have done a mixture of close up and high angled shots of the band playing the instruments. Contrasting the when I filmed in a park, I asked my band members to act how they usually act when they are together which included shots of them smiling and messing about with the instruments and each other. I wanted to include this in my music video because to reaches out to their fans by showing them how they act when they are together and it also reflects their friendship and not just as a band.

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