Wednesday 5 October 2011

Locations and Settings for my Music Video

In my music video I want to show the band wondering through a mystical forest because it is edgy and mysterious like the song that I have chosen from the band. I would also have to make sure when filming that the trees are still bare and not full of leaves because it would not give the same effect. When it will come to editing the footage taken in the woods; I would consider darkening the colour to make it look eerie.

I may also film the band on stage, to show them performing their song in front of a large crowd. This will be done to show to their fans that they are an up and coming band so they will be performing in little venue gig type events.

To also give an eerie atmosphere to the band I would consider filming in a dark room. Here I would show the band playing the instruments and singing their song. Furthermore, I think that the plain dark room would help the audience to have a clear focus on the band, whereas if they were filmed behind a busy background there would not be as more concentration on the band. I also think that the plain background would help to give a smooth finish to the music video when I show the band.

I want to keep the locations simple yet effective. In my opinion, I think that by having to many different locations in a music video my spoil the eerie and mystical atmosphere I want to give to my audience and so this is why I have kept a minimum of three or two different locations to show my band.

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